Crédit Agricole CIB vacancy search engine

Sustainable Banking Analyst

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales


A propos de Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB)

Crédit Agricole CIB est la banque de financement et d'investissement du groupe Crédit Agricole, 10ème groupe bancaire mondial en taille de bilan 2021 (The Banker, juillet 2022).
Près de 8600 collaborateurs répartis dans plus de 30 implantations en Europe, Amériques, Asie-Pacifique, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord, accompagnent les clients de la Banque dans la couverture de leurs besoins financiers à travers le monde.
Crédit Agricole CIB propose à ses clients grandes entreprises et institutionnels une gamme de produits et services dans les métiers de la banque de marchés, de la banque d'investissement, des financements structurés, de la banque commerciale et du commerce international.
Pionnier dans le domaine de la finance Climat, la Banque occupe aujourd'hui une position de leader sur ce segment avec une offre complète pour l'ensemble de ses clients.

La majorité des postes est éligible au télétravail dans les conditions prévues par notre accord reposant sur le double volontariat (collaborateur & manager) et après une période d'intégration réussie.
Crédit Agricole CIB s'engage en faveur de l'insertion des personnes en situation de handicap, ainsi ce poste est ouvert à toutes et à tous.

Pour plus d'information :




Date de mise à jour


Description du poste

Type de métier

Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Financement et Investissement

Types de métier complémentaires

Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Analyse financière et économique
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Commercial / Relations Clients

Intitulé du poste

Sustainable Banking Analyst

Type de contrat


Durée (en mois)


Date prévue de prise de fonction


Poste avec management



You are looking for a VIE in Madrid and you are interested in topics related to Sustainability ? So apply !


You will join the Sustainable Banking team in Madrid which gathers professionals with advanced expertise in social and environmental finance issues. The team assists all of the bank's business lines, as well as the Coverage Department, in originating and executing sustainable finance transactions (i.e. with a strong social and environmental component such as ESG rating advisory, green and social bonds, sustainability-linked finance products or impact investment). You will work with the Iberia Sustainable Banking Originator



Your main missions will be :

- Set quality relationships with the different Business Lines and the clients’ Senior Bankers in order to identify and generate business opportunities;

- Define tailor-made solutions and pitch the whole Crédit Agriocle CIB's sustainable finance product offering and follow-up and monitor this commercialization;

- Structure and execute the mandates originated, in partnership with the concerned Business Lines;

- Set close relationships with the different stakeholders of the market (e.g. ESG rating agencies, investors, other banking actors, etc.);

- Have and maintain an excellent level of expertise and knowledge on the sustainable finance market, so as to maintain Crédit Agricole CIB as one of the major actors in the market;

- Set efficient and trustworthy working relationship with Crédit Agricole's Business Lines and the other members of the Sustainable Banking team, in France and abroad;

- Handle any other tasks necessary to the proper processing and development of the Sustainable Banking activity in Iberia

- Prepare discussion materials with clients: production of commercial presentations (pitches), benchmarks, collection and synthesis of extra-financial and climate data, analysis of projects eligible for Green, Social or Sustainability Loans/Bonds, analysis of Key Performance Indicators and Sustainability Performance Targets for Sustainability-Linked instruments, analysis of sector dynamics, etc.

- Contribute to the execution of advisory or the structuring of sustainable finance mandates: drafting a Green/Sustainability Financing Framework, monitoring the development of a Second Party Opinion, drafting of an Investor/Lender Presentation or an impact report, etc.

- Participate in the analysis of the main developments: methodologies of ESG Agencies, development of climate scenarios, evolution of the Green, Social, Sustainability & Sustainability-Linked Bonds market as well as the Green and Sustainability-Linked Loans market: monitoring and analysis of recent emissions, updating databases, monitoring news covering topics at the heart of the ecological transition.


To be eligible for a VIE :

- Be less than 28 years

- Be graduated of Master Degree

- Be EU citizen (Except Spanish)

Localisation du poste

Zone géographique

Europe, Espagne



Critères candidat

Niveau d'études minimum

Bac + 5 / M2 et plus

Formation / Spécialisation

Are you our future VIE?


You are postgraduate of a Master Degree from a Business School or University with a specialization in Sustainability, Banking or Finance.

Niveau d'expérience minimum

0 - 2 ans


A first experience in Sustainable Banking or in a Corporate and Investment bank is necessary.

Compétences recherchées

Hard Skills:

  • Strong interest in Sustainable Finance and/or environment & climate topics
  • Excellent Knowledge of MS Office
  • Fluent French and English
  • Fluent or intermediate level in Spanish 

Soft skills:

  • Ability to communicate ;
  • Ability to analyze and summarize ;
  • Rigor and sens of organization ; 
  • Apprehension of results and priorities.

Outils informatiques